Debrian Travels YouTube channel updated

New YouTube logo.jpg

I had hoped to have completed my review of last year’s fall break trip by now, but I decided I could press pause on that series so I could update my ”Debrian Travels” YouTube channel. “Debrian Travels” on YouTube is not new - it has been linked at the bottom of my homepage for almost a year, and I have added content sporadically in the past. The reason I have focused on the video component of the blog during the past month was prompted by other video content I publish under my overarching Debrian Media banner.

Debrian Media, the overall brand for all my internet media and blog efforts, offers several non-travel video channels including:

These channels trace their roots to a single comprehensive YouTube stream where I uploaded anything I wanted to post to the site. I evolved that original channel into “Brass and Drums” so I could maintain the viewing statistics on my most-watched videos - which were in the marching arts genre - by not moving them to a different channel. I had taken some preliminary steps in recent years to separate out my content into focused channels but that process was incomplete at best. I still had travel and football videos on “Brass and Drums.” When I began vlogging this fall about the current Georgia Tech football season, I realized that I needed to get “Georgia Tech Gameday!” organized as soon as possible. I decided to prioritize my video efforts.

The consolidation of travel content onto “Debrian Travels” at YouTube is now complete. There is still a some organization work that remains (e.g. tweaking playlists) but that may be finished this weekend. The back catalog material pre-dates the Debrian Travels blog and there are more older videos I will add as I have time. Many videos were recorded in Europe but many cover my domestic travels such as the clip below from the historic railroad town of Thurmond, WV.

Having a focused channel will better align with the Debrian Travels brand and provide a platform for some additional content I am considering. I urge you to check out “Debrian Travels” on YouTube. Also, if any of my other Debrian Media content piques your interest, I encourage you to check out these non-travel videos. As always, thanks for reading and, hopefully, watching!